Hello Peeps
I hope you are all healthier, happier and wiser since I last communicated. Somehow the ***!!!! previous blog has disappeared. Of course, it was hugely funny, insightful and thought-provoking. Alas, cyberspace (or potentially the author's incompetence) has claimed another victim.
Recently, I have been getting up out of bed more regularly and going out a bit which is really positive. I hadn't gone out for over a year so just going outside for a meal and to the movies has been a treat. I have lost a year in bed but once I had a hair cut and shave, I was ready for action. Progress is slow as my pressure sore, although healed, is prone to blistering if I sit out for too long. So far I'm up to about six hours at a time.
I still spend a lot of time stuck in bed and I think I probably watch too much TV. I am relatively confident I can now fly a small plane, run a ruthless criminal enterprise as well as process a crime scene without contaminating it. Who says TV teaches you nothing? Thankfully, I have still been reading so my brain isn't complete mush.
Since I have been paralyzed I have seen many "cures" for paralysis hit the news. Stem Cells, Electric Impulse Therapy and many other cures have been bandied about and the painful truth is that all of it is rubbish. Then the other day I watched this http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b04mm8zl
I was pretty much blown away as it seeemed there is some hope of a cure. That is all you need to keep going. Click on the link and spend a little time watching the Panorama programme as it is amazing.
Of course I have a tumour that is causing all the problems. I have decided that once I have had a scan next month, and if nothing has changed, I will explore the option of possibly finding a surgeon who is willing to operate on me. It simply does not make medical sense that I am still alive if I have such an aggressive tumour. The NHS can't treat the tumour further and, the last time we checked, they were not willing to remove it, but I am not going to keep sitting around and wait for it to do something nasty.
In other news, last week I was quietly celebrating a year of hospital-free existence. This was shattered when a nurse decided to catheterise me with what seemed to be a crossbow bolt. I lost a lot of blood and my wife nearly fainted but she powered through. It was like a scene from a Halloween movie and I ended up in A&E again.
Thankfully, for once I didn't get a bad infection so just spent a few days in Hospital and was released with only a small pressure sore to show for it. In a fit of Victor Meldrew-like stubborness, I refused to pay £7 a day to watch television so for entertainment I read a couple of books and watched a patient who looked like a pirate, behave like a pirate - screaming 'aargh' a lot and attempting to destroy the ward.
Jay is well and still tutoring kids in the afternoons, slowly becoming a grammar guru. She has also inadvertently become a nurse over the last couple of years with my continual run of bad health, and has learnt a lot from one of the District Nurses so looks after me amazingly. Otherwise we are both well and will be spending Christmas with Den, Pegs and Gaylee at home. I will make an effort to update this blog more regularly. I hope you all have a great festive season and a happy New Year.