The only bit of sentimentality I'll allow myself is from Ernest Hemingway who said something very true; "But man is not made for defeat. A man can be destroyed but not defeated."

Bear in mind he also said, "Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut." Never have truer words been spoken.

Wednesday 13 January 2016

When all else fails do something stupid

Merry Xmas Everyone

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and a festive New Year.

We spent Christmas at home with Jay and my father and mother-in law, eating professionally, before spending New Years Eve with friends eating some more.

I think I have finally had enough of consumerism. It felt like Xmas has been plugged since August. People were eating mince pies in October. Then there was Black Friday, Cyber Monday and now Panic Saturday. When credit card bills arrive in the New Year there will undoubtedly be Suicide Monday. I'm glad to see Valentine's Day is being vigourously promoted already.

January seems to be the time when everyone tries to get rid of unwanted Christmas presents on Ebay.
So, if you are in the market for a formal tie made from a preserved trout, a Mugwort Vaginal Steamer or a toilet seat in the shape of Darth Vader's head, then hit the internet and all your dreams can come true. Surprisingly all of these wonderful gifts are real things.

Due to the chemotherapy thinning my hair I have taken to wearing a hat. I wanted the Don Draper look but I can't be bothered wearing a suit every day to match my Fedora, so instead settled for the geezer look. I tried a few hats and the only thing that suits my abnormaly huge head is a flat cap, so I now look like I race pigeons and greyhounds, or sell fruit and veg from my car boot.
I had a scan on the 4th of January and things haven't changed since November. So the tumour has stayed the same size which is good news I suppose. It means the chemotherapy has stopped it from growing for the moment.

I decided to increase the pain in my head the old-fashioned way by being stupid and banging my head. I tipped backwards out of my chair a few nights before the scan, smacking the back of my head on the pavement, but thankfully I didn't do too much damage, though my pride took a hammering.

I have an infection again, so I am not well enough to go on chemo at the moment, which is frsutrating as I have a lot of exams coming up and don't want to be ill on those days. They are treating me for the infection before I start chemo, but it seems to be a never ending cycle of the chemo making me sick, then I can't take it. Then when I can take it, I am sick again shortly afterwards.

Doctor knows best as they say.

My blood results always seem to show high infection markers or low platelet counts. I need to eat more spinach or kryptonite or something.

So all in all, we had a good Christmas and now the January detox begins. There seems to be a lot of diet shows on TV at the moment which is a good indicator of the level of general over-indulgence. So bring on the quinoa, mackerel, chia seeds and other super foods. I am not looking forward to it, but luckily Santa and my lovely wife bought me a Nutri-Bullet so I can liquidize everthing. Delicious.

Best wishes and take care,

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